Jason D. Lee President & CEO
313-962-5686 Email
Anita I. Martinez Senior Vice President of Operations & COO
313-502-5365 Email
Cindy Bazner
Senior Vice President
313-962-5689 Email
Beth O’ Conner VP of Programs
313-962-5693 Email
Crystal T. Smith
VP of Philanthropy
313-962-5685 Email
Soumaya Arabi
Associate Director of Programs
313-962-5681 Email
Marcell Copeland
Program Manager
313-502-5367 Email
Linda Morrell Development Manager
313-962-0593 Email
Litsa Olivier Board Liaison & Operations Manager
313-962-5694 Email
Scott Millington Volunteer Engagement Manager
313-502-5366 Email
Matt Goeman Program Coordinator
313-502-5372 Email
Taylor Reeves Program Support Assistant
313-502-5369 Email