Middle School Materials (6th - 8th Grade)

JA Assembling Your Career - This program helps middle and high school students with practical information about STEM careers and ways students can prepare for these careers while still in school.

Self-Knowledge Treasure Hunt - Skills, interests, and values help you focus in on what kinds of jobs and careers you might like. Do you know yours?

Why Countries Trade (Online Activity) - Discover which countries specialize in export products and how to use those specialized products when creating a product of your own.

Be an Engineer: Build a Robot - Create a robot using STEM skills.

JA My Way - provides tips and tools to put students' careers on the express track. They'll take a Personality Quiz then visit My Career to find job matches. They'll explore buying a car and saving for college in My Money, create pro resumes at My Resume, and get tips to start a business at My Business! 

JA Career Profiler - is a fun and informative career assessment that matches you with your top interest areas while filtering out careers in areas that you have little or no interest in. Get ready to find your interests, measure your strengths, and discover the careers that suit you! 

Money Doubles by the Rule of 72 - The power of compound interest can help you to earn significant money in the future! Learn how.

JA $AVE USA - We know it can be tough to speak to or teach your kids about money-management issues. We hope that you find these lessons helpful with those conversations!