Middle School Materials (6th - 8th Grade)
JA Assembling Your Career - This program helps middle and high school students with practical information about STEM careers and ways students can prepare for these careers while still in school.
Self-Knowledge Treasure Hunt - Skills, interests, and values help you focus in on what kinds of jobs and careers you might like. Do you know yours?
Why Countries Trade (Online Activity) - Discover which countries specialize in export products and how to use those specialized products when creating a product of your own.
Be an Engineer: Build a Robot - Create a robot using STEM skills.
Money Doubles by the Rule of 72 - The power of compound interest can help you to earn significant money in the future! Learn how.
JA $AVE USA - We know it can be tough to speak to or teach your kids about money-management issues. We hope that you find these lessons helpful with those conversations!