JA Inspire Registration

Your students are invited to join the JA INSPIRE Virtual Career Exploration Fair! A program that satisfies the need for schools to incorporate career development education within a school year and gives the opportunity for career exploration! The JA Inspire Virtual Career Fair will be open February - August 2022. Content will be available for access throughout the program.

JA Inspire curricula is part of JA’s work and career readiness pathway and leads to a culminating virtual career fair event. The JA Inspire satisfies the need for schools to incorporate career development education within a school year and gives opportunities for career exploration.

Please complete the JA Inspire Information Form below. (A member of our team will respond within 24 hours):


JA of Southeastern Michigan (Lead)

Student Participation:
Stacey Mehler, Senior Director of Programs: smehler@jamichigan.org / (313) 962-5684

Genesee, Shiawassee & Lapeer Counties: Cindy Bazner, Senior VP & COO, cbazner@jamichigan.org / (810) 553-4140

JA of North Central Michigan

Student Participation:
Melissa Gleason, Vice President Education Manager: melissa.gleason@ja.org / (989) 631-0162