Family Resources

Welcome to our Family Resources page! Below is handful of great resources for families. Prior to using these resources please fill out the following form. It’s extremely important that we track who is using our resources so we can continue to provide them and tailor them our users individual needs!

Elementary School At Home Resources

Learn about careers in stem, design websites, learn to save. Check out our at home programs for elementary aged children. These activities are designed to teach kids from kindergarten to 5th grade the importance of saving, how to weigh wants vs needs, what career options they have available to them. These activities will give students a foundational understanding of Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurship and Workplace Readiness.


Middle School At Home Resources

Learn about careers through our various guides, games and online activities. These activities help prepare students for potential careers in STEM and more. Students can continue to learn about themselves by completing job matching exercises, saving for college, learning resume building skills and even learning tips to start businesses!

High School At Home Resources

Our At Home high school resources help to refine and solidify the knowledge students have learned before high school. They will build off their prior knowledge with more advance programs and activities. Here students can learn to make 10 year plans, preparing them for life post graduation. They will also learn about differing socioeconomic status and the strengths necessary to be an entrepreneur. Students will learn about their financial future and debt providing them with a strong sense of financial literacy.

JA Econ Info Covid 19

At Junior Achievement Southeast Michigan we are aware of the immense amount of stress and pressure that last year has been due to Covid 19. We are committed to provided southeast Michigan with resources to help guide us through this tough time. Please view our resources below.
