JA K-5 at Home Videos and Activities (informational video)
Cha-Ching Videos
Meet the Cha-Ching band members as they share some catchy tunes that will help you learn how to Earn, Save, Spend, and Donate.
Lower Elementar (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade)
Jobs I Can Do! Coupon - Draw a picture of a job you can do to help your family.
My Family Flag - Make a family flag to show what is special about your family.
Goods and Services - Identify goods sold in stores and describe services performed by workers.
Piggy Bank Savings - Find a die at home and start rolling for savings. Color a picture and add up the numbers.
Upper Elementary (3rd -5th Grade)
Robo Sellers Video Flyer - Fly your ship through the universe collecting and selling robot parts to start your own robot business. Play this online game to become a robot merchant and make a tidy profit.
STEMBOT Game - Learn about STEM career and practice STEM skills while solving puzzles and playing games.
History of Prices - Why is all the toilet paper disappearing off the shelves? Find out more about how people’s needs and desires affect the pricing of goods, and how that has had an effect on history.
My Interests - What are you interested in? What do you enjoy doing? Complete this checklist to discover how your interests could turn into business ideas.
Entrepreneur Traits Card - Learn about the traits on an entrepreneur and decide if you have them.
Design a Website - Want to be an entrepreneur or small business owner? Design a web page for a new business. Think about what you will produce and sell. How will your web page look?
Career Quest Flyer - What interests you and why do you enjoy it? Learn about yourself and the careers and career clusters that best suite your interests and abilities in this printable flier.
JA $AVE USA - We know it can be tough to speak to or teach your kids about money-management issues. We hope that you find these lessons helpful with those conversations!